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Hi, I’m Ryan. A sports nut and all-around 40-year-old-stuck in the 80s and 90s. And I’ll be honest, I’ve created a few websites. One passion project about sports cards that I absolutely love. Another about freelance work and other marketing ins and outs that I enjoy as well.
The other two? I don’t enjoy them that much. There is no life; no me.
Lucky for you, that’s why I’m here with Last Time Ago. Born from the mouth of my oldest (who consistently blends “last time” and “long ago” to say “last time ago” whenever he’s recalling a story from the past), Last Time Ago is me. A deep dive into all things nostalgic and retro as we talk about toys, games, movies, pop culture, and more.
So, thank you for visiting, and thank you for giving me a reason to reconnect with one more piece of what I love.